I found this silver tinsel wreath at a store the other day. Now, I do understand that this is as far away from a real pine, natural wreath as you can get. It screams "I'M FAUX" for sure. However when I saw it something spoke to me. I told my husband "go look at that silver wreath and tell me if I am crazy for wanting it." He looked at it, came back with it, and put it in the cart. He never did tell me if I was crazy or not;) When I saw that strange silver wreath it brought back wonderful memories of my Grandma. My Mom told me that Grandma used to have a similar Christmas wreath hanging on her door when I was a young child. Although, she did say Grandma's was gold. I am sure that is the reason I felt I just had to have it. It looked a little plain, to me. So I thought I would take some holiday stuff I already had and jazz it up a bit. It has a bit of a vintage/retro look, I think. Feel free to leave complements, comments, or if you do think I am crazy, you can tell me that if you like;)
Indoor Planters for Spring Plants
6 hours ago