Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Christmas Tree Up!

I admit, I have started decorating for Christmas and Thanksgiving isn't even here yet. Seeing all the holiday decor in the stores is too much for me. I have my tree up, but not decorated yet. We have a three year old and the last two years we put a baby fence around the tree so that he couldn't get at it, get hurt, break it, break the ornaments, etc. This year I am trying not to put up the ugly fence. So by getting the tree up early without ornaments maybe he will get used to it and not try to touch, pull, and remove the ornaments once they do go up. One can hope;)

Here is my tree. I hope you will stop back to see it decorated.

1 comment:

Liz Harrell said...

It looks beautiful! I wish I could talk my husband into a white tree, I just think they are SO cheerful and fun.